Last weekend, my mom and I went to Picc-A-Dilly Flea Market in Eugene and found some really cool things! I found an old kneading bread bowl (from the "frontier days" the man claimed) ($25), a very heavy rod-iron candle holder ($5), a barn wood frame ($7), and nails used on railroad ties ($1). The nails have the numbers 23, 26, 32, and 33 on them which I was told stood for the years they were used to nail in railroad ties (...nail #23 was used in cool!). Not quite sure what I am going to do with them, but I thought they were too neat to pass up! I have been looking for a kneading bowl like that to use as a fruit bowl. Pottery Barn has them but I really wanted an authentic one. Who knew I would find it at a flea market for 1/3 the price as ebay! I am now a Flea Market Fan! Thanks Ma!

Loving our new fruit bowl:

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