No rhyme, no reason, no theme, no scheme, no purpose...just some random baths, sinks, tubs and tiles I am liking right now.

Keeping it simple works in this baths scene...with a wash basin sink, subway tiles on the wall, simple chrome sconces with shades and a classic marble basket weave mosaic on the floor. (above)
Need to add visual interest to a bathroom wall? Grey marble mosaic rectangular tiles in tumbled and honed finishes are laid in a vertical pattern on the wall creating a fab striped effect and could do the trick! (above)

A sleek silver and stainless bathroom! (above)
Decorative molding is used on the walls of this white bath adding the perfect classic touch. (above)

A very modern egg shaped freestanding tub is the ultimate in zen and serene elegance. (above)

The almost country paneled white wood wall, the modern floating wall mounted vanity and the classic white clawfoot tub makes this tiny little bathroom the ultimate in eclectic! (above)

A trumeau style mirror and a curved marble slab that is used for shower screen make this light and simple bath feel very French. (above)
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